Huwebes, Mayo 15, 2014

As an emerging tourist destination, the City Tourism Office is now exploring the potential  attractions for  both  domestic and foreign visitors to be enticed to come and visit Ozamiz City.
Mayor Reynaldo O. Parojinog Sr. has ordered  Mr. Jaime Tomada  Local Government  Department head-1 who is now  working  on the program  for the tourism  to promote  the newly discovered waterfalls (Cobra)   at  Sitio Tipan, Barangay  Stimson Abordo.
This waterfalls  should be part of the tourists  destination in  barangay Stimson Abordo  which includes  river trekking and  mountain climbing.
Mr. Tomada is now preparing  the necessary project proposal for the development of   Cobra Falls.

province of Misamis Occidental in a region of the Philippines called Northern Mindanao. It is found in the southeastern end of the fan-shaped province, strategically located on the eastern side of the merging point of two water bodies, the Panguil Bay and Iligan Bay. It has an estimated land area of 16,407 hectares. The city has a generally flat to rolling terrain but the imposing 7,956 foot Malindang Mountain dominates the view of the city. Towards the North is the Municipality of Clarin; on the South is the City of Tangub; on the East are IIigan Bay and Panguil Bay; and to the West is the Municipality of Don Victoriano.